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Pro-Am Competition Fees
Posted by meesha
4/10/2009  11:13:00 AM
I was wondering if people could tell me the range of fees I should expect to pay to compete with my instructor in the pro-am category. I know there is usually a per dance entry fee, but how much does the instructor get and are there any overall event fees I should expect to pay?
Re: Pro-Am Competition Fees
Posted by belleofyourball
4/10/2009  10:41:00 PM
It depends on who you are dancing with. If say you are with a chain you may end up paying more than if you are in an independant.

My info is a little bit old. I haven't competed for years. I'd rather spend my money on honing my ability. But it can be a really good tool for many people. Do at least one and see if it's a positive experience for you.

If you are traveling you will have to contribute to your pro's travel costs. If you are the only one going than expect to pay all his/her costs.

You will have to pay an entry fee for the competition. That will depend on the comp. It tends to be between $600-$800 per comp (Independent comps). Than you pay per dance. My pro doesn't charge per dance but I think that makes him rare but you still have to pay entry fees.

You can also enter (if you buy enough regular dances) the scholarship comps and those are more like the real thing. You are actually competing for a prize and not everyone gets a pat on the back. You dance until eliminated. That isn't as expensive and its more rewarding at least for me. Some pros won't let you if they don't think its goign to be a positive experience (i.e. you're going to get slaughtered).

Again things may have changed I haven't been in a comp for a long time, but I imagine prices only went up, not down. You can go to the comps individual web sites to get more specific info.

Good luck!!
Re: Pro-Am Competition Fees
Posted by meesha
4/11/2009  8:45:00 AM
Thanks for the helpful comments.
Re: Pro-Am Competition Fees
Posted by Clary
4/11/2009  9:29:00 AM
You will pay an entry fee for each single-dance heat you do - somewhere between $25 - $35 per heat. Multi-dance heats such as championships and scholarships can range from $50 to $100 to enter. You will also need to buy your own admission ticket to the ballroom for each session you attend. Those costs are what the organizer charges. You usually can buy these either a la carte, or organizers very often put together packages that include meals, hotels and other things, depending on the competition.

As for what the pro charges on top of that: I've competed with a variety of pros, both chain and independent, and each one has a different fee structure:
-One charges a flat rate of $200 "per day" no matter how many heats I enter. So, if I'm there 2 days it's $400. He won't go to a competition unless there are at least 3 students going.
-One charges a "per competition" fee of $250 plus $10 per dance (so, if I've entered a 5-dance heat, that counts as five dances) Also, if I'm the only student going, his "per comp" fee increases to $300.
-One charges $25 "per dance." Again, if I'm in a five-dance heat, that counts as five dances.

On top of the pro fees, you will also expect to pay a share of your pros admission tickets, travel costs, and hotel that will be split among the number of students attending.

It does mean that you have to assemble the various pricing components and do a bit of math to see what you would pay for the number of entries you want to do, and whether a package is a better deal than a la carte.
If you don't want to do the math yourself, well, Chain studios usually will give you a single "all included" dollar amount to attend a competition that lumps together hotel, meals, entries, admissions, pro fees - but they quite often are very, very, very reluctant to break out the costs for you. Some people don't mind that; others do.
Re: Pro-Am Competition Fees
Posted by Days&Nights
4/11/2009  7:53:00 AM
Speak directly with your pro. He/She should already, if they've competed before, know what you will pay on their behalf. Also, if your competition is not associated with a chain studio and is advertised on the web - you can get a pretty good idea as the other costs. Many competition will package all the costs together into a variety of packages. For me, I pay the entry fee for each dance, average cost $35, my pro charges a per entry fee so add that to the entry fee cost, then you will have to pay for his/her admission ticket for the session your dancing in, is there a hotel stay involved? I have paid for his/her room and my own room, any air fare. It always helps to have others competing with your teacher as thir reduces the cost of the pro since it will be split among the students. If your dancing in a chain competition the studio will already have a set price the you will pay - unless your teacher is an independent teacher. Some teachers will simply charge a flat rate rather than the costs I've experienced above. Other dancers I know stay close to home so they do not incur a hotel stay, travel - etc., which reduces their own cost as well. Sit down with your teacher and have this discussion - so your not feeling surprised later on down the road. (-:

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